Forgive Me

Forgive me please. I know I’m a horrible updater, and MBL, I’m so sorry for being such a horrible Dylan. Leesh and Kristen, I’m equally sorry. My grandma hasn’t had a “bowel” movement in 4 days and she’s puked 3 times a day. My mom’s leaving for China in a couple of days so…


My Life Freaking Sucks.


Sorry about that, the usually cheery Dylan is back in town now. 🙂


So Italy was a blast. Need I say more? And guess what? I HAVE A FLING! Okay, it’s now September which means it’s not a summer fling, but I have a fling! When we were in Italy, as soon as we checked in, Kristen announced that she had found Italian tutors for her and another “lucky” person. I was in the shower, so when I came out and everyone shouted “NOT ME!” I was all, “WTF…” So while the other girls headed to the shops, I was with Kristen heading to the library. Yay. But the tutors were IMMENSELY cute. And they didn’t like Russian tennis stars ( I asked ) and now Kristen and me have Italian twin tutors. Eep! And I bought a load of crap too. 🙂

And on the bright side, I quit Dylan blogging!

Early April Fools, you girls can’t get rid of me that easily! So part of the reason why I haven’t been posting as much is because I have an OOC blog too. Ahh, so from now on, it’s one week here, and one week there. I know, I’m so flustered. Kaddie, how do you have a GAZILLION blogs and take care of them all?~?!?!?


Oh, and as a P.S., I only did that makeover on OCDO since I had to. The girls in mud and bikinis didn’t strike a chord with my mom. She was all, “WTF ARE YOU ON!?!??!” So I had to give it a makeover so it looked like some normal website to her. Just to clarify. Whoops.


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5 responses to “Forgive Me

  1. Hey Dylan!
    I hope your g’ma gets better! I’m nawt mad at you and you’re nawt a bad Dylan, you’re fah-bulous!
    Ahaha your boy is cuh-yoot, but nawt as much as mine(;
    When you said that you quit Dylan blogging, I had an immense ‘WTF’ moment -_-
    Lmfao, I just have w a a y too much time awn my hands, that’s how I keep up with mine(;
    I awl-so replied to your comment awn my LMFWIA page with the p-word to SOTD Picture Perfect (:
    Heart You Forever,
    Alicia Rivera

  2. I’m so sorry about your grandma, Dyl 😦 I hope things go better for you and your family soon! Italy was a buh-last! Can’t wait to see you later for party planning!


  3. Alicia Rivera

    I’m glad you’re back Dyl! Your blah-g is looking more cuh-yoote than ever! Your posts are great and I cannawt wait to read some more! P.S. Brand new post up awn my blah-g! Check it out?

    I Heart You! -Leesh

  4. Hey Dylan,
    I love the blog background(: Hope your grandmother gets better. Your guy sounds really cute!
    New post, check it out and comment.
    Eternally Forever,
    Rosalie Hale

  5. Love the makeover! Congrats on finding a hawt guy! I heart it! Hope grams gets better really soon! I will pray for her! Cant wait for more posts SO GLAD UR BACK! dont leave again!
    Kiss Kiss

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