
No drama. My parents are making me leave WordPress. Forever. Which means D&C is also gone too. And so is my Dylan email. But my RL email is still available! Please spread the word. And I’ll miss you guys a lot. I’ve already crawled back to WP. My parents’ left me with a warning last time but this time, they’re saying stuff like “I knew your were no better than your sister” or “How dumb are you?” So I’m leaving forever. I just wanna say, I’ve made a load of friends on WordPress and I hope you guys can still email me via RL. And no this is not a JK. I want to thank loads of people but my true true friends on WP are:

Kailey/Kaddie, MBL, Kristen. Basically my PC. I love you girlies, and you’re so special to me, I can’t explain it in words. Kisses for the last time,



P.S. This is a depressing 50th post anniversary huh? And no, this isn’t a joke. Don’t bother emailing dylanxomarvil@gmail.com, it’s already deleted. I hope you guys can forgive me.


Filed under Uncategorized

11 responses to “Gone.

  1. O M G! IM SO SORRY! Im going to miss u sooooooooooooooooooo much! I am so happy with our friendship im so happy i got to know u! ILY! U were a great dylan and friend and more than taht! It was WONDERFUL with u in our pc! And u will be grreatly missed AWW! wats ur RL email? Im so sorry! I dont know what to say other than this beacuase im so shocked! u mean so much to me!


  2. Kaddie

    What?! Omfg, I’m so sorry to hear this! 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 I’m definitely emailing you on your Christina one. Like, right now. I’mma miss you a ton girly! 😦
    Keep Strolling,

  3. Dyl! This makes me so sad 😦 😦 😦 😦 I will definitely email you to keep in touch. I am so sorry that this happened 😦 😦 I will miss you so much! You were such an amazing Dylan and D&C blogger. Seriously, fabulous. We’ll email and hopefully you can come back someday. 😦 Love you!


  4. This. Sucks. Christina.
    WordPress will miss you, C♥


  5. Alicia Rivera

    Cannawt believe this is happening Dyl 😦 You’re going to be missed chicka! I already miss your ah-mazing posts 😦 I hope you come back to wordpress one day Dyl!

    I Heart You!

  6. This is my first time seeing your blawg. And I’m sad x 10 that I havn’t checked it ouwt earlier because I could have gotten to know you. I know lots of people will miss you awn worldpress. You will always be known as an ah-mazing Dylan and I hope you come back one day!
    I heart you,

  7. Luh-ve the blah-g! πŸ˜‰
    New post.

    Je t’adore,
    ~β™” Skye. A Hamiltonβ™”

  8. Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    I’m counting the days.
    I’ve had without you.

    I hope you come back, because I miss you too much.β™₯
    We awl do. β™₯
    I heart you,

  9. Fantastial post!! There’s a new post awn my blah-g! Check it out when you have the time!

    Massie Maddie Block

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