Lovely, Darling

So I didn’t give you the entire recap of Italy. In one word, it was lovely. Speaking of words, I’ve just read Eat, Pray, Love. And it even talks about how every city has its own word. Rome’s is sex (no need for girly giggles), New York’s is achieve, and L.A.’s is succeed. And I can totally understand Rome’s word. My mom looked scandalous in Westchester but in Rome? She blends right in. I see 40 year old women walking around in tops that makes Alicia’s blood curl. And leopard skirts that are so tight, it could’ve been a tube top. But that’s the feel of the city. And I love it. Now onto the topic of food. Mmmmmm.. I miss it already. Alberto’s in downtown Westchester cannot compare! So being that I just read Eat, Pray, Love I automatically wanted to go to the pizza place in Naples. Well I dragged the OCDO girlies there and we had the most amazing pizza in the world. There was only cheese on top. No jalepenos, pepperoni, or anything. Just cheese. And it was scrumptious. Here’s a picture of the pasta dish that came with it.

They didn’t want us taking pictures of the pizza since it’s some secret recipe. I can smell it. 🙂


I died. The entire place was so A-list, you had to wait two years for a Birkin bag! I just waved my mom’s black AmEx card and those gorgeous bags are all mine! And now, onto my new crush.

He’s SO dreamy. Like smooth chocolate dreamy. Much better than that stupid J.P. or whatever. (Ha, see? I don’t even remember your name! Have fun with Svetlana!) Italian guys = French girls. Classy, LOVELY, and overall a total HART! And he hates sports, he gets six pack abs just by swimming to and fro the billion resorts his dad owns. And he’s already called me a billion times to discuss when he’s coming to Westchester. And he’s bringing Leesh’s and Kristen’s yummies too. Now onto some bad news..

Alicia’s cousins

Notice the “s”? Not Nina, no we sorted things out with her (and never letting her near our stuff again) but Isobel  and Cecilia. I think I’m gonna die. Luckily we all got our shabbiest clothes, replaced the tags and voila! They’ll think it’s haute couture. As if! Give it two days, and they’ll be sitting with Kuh-laire and Layne. Life is sweet, no?

So I also want to tell you what went down  during the sleepover. Not a EMG! WHAT HAPPENED sleepover, but still, it was one of the best.

Here I am geeking out about the Rivera’s new karaoke machine. Ew, remind me to give that sweater to Isobel. And the headband to Cecilia. See how fair I am? And Alicia got a foot rub from Kristen (in exchange for no homework done in a week, but Alicia swears it was worth it)


Bridgit’s giving Sam a foot massage.




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2 responses to “Lovely, Darling

  1. I don’t think I can say it e-nuff, how much I want to go back to Italy! The food, shawpping, and guys were ah-mazing. Eep! I still can nawt buh-lieve that your hawttie, is bringing mine! Life is good. Besides Cecilia and Isobel coming, but whatever. I can nawt let the stress of that bring me down, I’ve gawt to look good for my chico(; The sleepover was ah-mazing as usual awf course, and that foot massage WAS worth it. I think I know where Kris’s future career’ll be.
    Heart You Forever,
    Alicia Rivera

  2. YUM! And ikr those mamas were hot mamas they were working it! hahah aww guys i should start charging for massages!HAHAH Amex answere everything like google! JP =OUT NEW SEXI ITALIAN GUY=IN! KARAOKE NIGHJT COME ON! I love that it should be a PC tradition! hahah love u girlie! Cant wait to go back to italia!

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