DP stands for Dyl Points. Basically, this means that every week, I will be posting a picture of clothes, nail polish, accessories, etc.. The first person to guess the brand or color EXACTLY correct wins Dyl Points. If you do win the Dyl Points for that week, you get a post all about you on the following day. Trust me, a post dedicated to you is really special! So today, I’m going to start awff easy to let you get the hang of it?

If someone guesses wrong awn this, I’m going to be SERIOUSLY disappointed!

5 responses to “DP

  1. Peach Chanel hang bag!

    XOXO Mass

  2. 1 DP for Mass! (It’s red)

  3. Dylan Marvil

    OPI, right?



  4. Dylan Marvil

    OPI (It’s on the bottle! -_-)
    Red: My Chihuahua Bites
    Orange: A Good Man-darin is hard to find
    Yellow: The “It” Color
    Silver: Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous
    Green: Gargantuan Green Grape Matte
    Blue: Blue My Mind
    Purple: Purple with a Purpose

Your thoughts..?