R     Radiant 

A     Ah-mazingly Chic

R     Rich (In more ways than one)

E     Exotic

Welcome to RARE. Ladies, this clique is only for the best Alphas I know. Being in the PC,  my clique is awlready automatically in. What does being in RARE mean? For starters, constant advertisements, and gaw-sip that hasn’t gone public. Awlso, you’ll have the latest fashions, accessories via Polyvore and toh-tal VIA passes. (Very Important Alpha) How do you get into RARE? Read below honey! 

Application Must Include:


Blog URL:


A Polyvore With Your Style: (If you do nawt have a Polyvore, feel free to just email me pics from Google Images)

Why You’re RARE: (Radiant, Ah-mazingly Chic, Rich (In more ways than one), and Exotic.

Glad that’s over. Now I’m my usual self. Nawt the ”Contest Holding Serious Dyl” Please email me your apps and I will get back to you in less than 2 days! 


Did I forget to mention something? Oh right! The first applications in that I approve get to be RARE Royalty. (RR) That’s as exclusive as CC. 🙂 But if I feel your application is to die for, you can still be in RR. So far we have my clique as Rare Queens. We have Princesses and Duchesses still available.  

11 responses to “RARE

  1. koriofthepc

    LOVE the idea~!
    Here’s my App
    Name: Kori
    Blog URL: http://koriofthepc.wordpress.com/
    email: orangequeen13@yahoo.com
    Polyvore: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=2454984
    Why i’m Rare: Well, I am Radiant because I shine and star in everything around me. Put me in a crowd of tons of people, i’ll be one of the first people u’ll notice 4sure!
    I’m ahh-mazingly chic because i have an eye for what looks good on people based on their skin tone, body shape, height, and hair color. Picking out something fabulous just comes naturally!
    Rich: well im middle class, but i do have a taste for rich, high quality things. Rich food *yum* rich fabrics, I love it all!
    Exotic: I’m exoctic because i’m one of a kind! ull never meet another girl quite like mwa!

  2. If I don’t decide to quit my blog (I’m deciding in barely 15 minutes and making a post with my decision) I’ll definitely join!

    I Heart You! -Leesh

    P.S. Can you please visit my blog and help me reach 1000 views so I don’t quit and join your contest and tell other ppl to visit my blog please! Thanks!

  3. Kris Gregory

    Name: Kris Gregory

    Blog URL: http://officialkrisgregorysmarticles.wordpress.com/

    Email: officialkrisgregorysmarticles@hotmail.com

    A Polyvore With Your Style: officialkrisgregorysmarticles

    Why You’re RARE: I’m RARE because I’m nawt afraid to be different in a crowd. I stand out. In one way and another, I’m awlso rare (lol). As in different. I’m a guh-reat blogger that posts every day, I’m unique, different, and nawt a crowd-followers (AKA what a real alpha is).

    -Kris Gregory

  4. Dylan Marvil

    This is cute.



  5. mytimemystory.wordpress.com

    Name- Rebecca ❤
    Blog- http://www.mytimemystory.wordpress.com
    Email- lilleggette@aol.com
    Style- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=34371637
    Why Are You RARE- I am rare because you will NEVER meet anyone like me! I have many talents and I am obsessed with fashion and acting! Yes I am rich but I dont go around bragging! I wear and have nice things and have a couture taste! My eyes are very exotic! They change colors with my mood! Dark blue when I am flirty, electric green when I am mad, gray when I am bored, neon blue when I am sad, dark green when I am jealous, and yellowish silver when I am hyper!

  6. dmarvilous

    Name: Molly blogging as Dylan Marvil 🙂

    Blog URL: http://www.dmarvilous.wordpress.com

    Email: longlive13@yahoo.com

    A Polyvore With Your Style: Dmarvilous at polyvore it will be called RARE

    Why You’re RARE: I’m radiant because I am not afraid to be myself around people. I am my crazy cooky hyper self around people, no one can change me. I laughed really loud and talk to people I just met. I am also the star of my schools plays 🙂 I’m chic because my grandma was been a sewer and clothing maker forever and has taught me everything about clothing. What looks good on different figures, what colors go with skin tones, and what accessories go with what. I’m may not be what income is considered to be rich, but I would be high upper class. I am rich because I have an expensive taste. I love expensieve food and four star hotels. I am exotic because I am really one of a kind. I won’t change for anyone. I am happy with my unique self, you isn’t like anyone else.

  7. skyehamilton1

    I wanna apply

    Name:alexa blogging as skye
    Blog address: officialskyeclairehamilton.wordpress.com
    Email: skye.claire.hamilton@live.com
    Polyvore: skyehamilton411

    Why i am rare: i am radiant because when i dance, i glow with confidence and expression. I am always myself and i have a unique sense of style unlike anyone else. I am amazingly chic because helloooooooo? I invented dance sleeves. I can pair a tutu with anything. My style always has dancepiration in it (dance inspiration). I am rich becausei have a lot of money i am also rich in style and confidence. I shine like a star at alpha academy. I am exotic because you will never meet anyone else as confident, expresive and as inspirational as i am.


  8. skyehamilton1

    Love this so much 🙂

Your thoughts..?